Limited Resources

Because of this, we can’t employ assets to take care marketing and promotion. Also we don’t have the financial plan to spend 

This prompts a ton of mistakes and stress because of the monstrous pressing factor which further prompts high worker turnover.

Higher Competition

The hotel industry is a steadily thriving business. Travel and the travel industry continue developing every year. Travelers consistently search for the ideal convenience. 

Because of the extreme appeal for convenience, the opposition is likewise high around here. 

In the packed travel spots, you can see hotels in every single region. High rivalry is a significant test in this area. 

To procure the high benefits, new or existing contenders could essentially lessen rates or give more noteworthy accommodations, administrations, or conveniences, or fundamentally grow, improve or present new offices in the business sectors.

Difficulties In Managing Reputation

Hotel reputation is the thing that guests talk about the hotel through online audits, remarks, and photographs.

The greater part of the audits is made via web-based media, i.e., on Instagram, Facebook, and TripAdvisor. Every one of these is a high-positioned stage. 

The friendliness industry has been doing combating to set up associations with visitors. 

Despite the public economy areas, an undeniable degree of trust should be kept up with between a specialist co-op and the purchaser. This is the way into a powerful and proficient financial exchange. Creating trust is non-preliminary. 

Audits and remarks can obliterate or showcase a hotel’s reputation. For the most part, hotels used to draw in and react to customers’ interests, needs and demands openly through antiquated discussions. 

With online stages like Facebook, hotels should expand and use such stages to deal with their reputation. It’s a test that the industry is confronting will in any case look in the year 2021

Shortage Of Skilled Talent In The Industry

This is again going to be another test for the Hotel industry later on. The industry has effectively been experiencing this yet with more prominent mechanization, this is set to turn out to be more difficult in 2021. 

Hotels that don’t require some investment out to search for prepared staff will undoubtedly confront a few difficulties in their administration conveyance. 

Although numerous hotels have figured out how to remain above water in this extreme economy, this is a significant hotel industry challenge in the coming years. 

Tracking down the perfect individuals might be troublesome particularly for little hotels. 

There is a lot of difficulties in hotel industry enrollment and in this way recruiters must comprehend the requirements and needs of the present neighborliness work searchers. 

Generally, top-of-the-line extravagant convenience suppliers enroll prepared experts for an extreme price, which is an outlandish accomplishment for low-spending hotels. 

Addictions to OTA High Commissions and Rates Manipulations

As a hotel owner and employee online travel agencies (OTAs)? Are you tired of the unfair pricing structure and the hidden cost, kickbacks and many ‘legitimate’ tricks that they do? Well, you’re not alone! Today, most hotel owners, employees and professional hoteliers think that the commission rates demanded by the OTAs are unjust and are fighting back!


Let us understand what brought us to this game in the first place


 Some believe it is impossible to be successful without cooperating with them. However, there are ways to combat their influence and boost your own direct bookings.

While most customers start their search on an OTA, they often check out the hotel’s own site as well before booking. 


Their website  easy to use, easy to find, perceived to have lower prices.

One of the reasons OTAs are preferred comes down to easy to use website. They allow customers to compare lots of products based on price, availability and guest reviews all in one place. 

How to help small businesses to fightback and win


Join Desa Global Travel Community

Join thousands of like-minded people in DESA it is the first Global Travel Community. Ask for whatever you need, help whenever you can in travel, tourism hospitality. We go back as old fashioned community help. 

Provide better prices to your customers who book direct. Make your website easy to use, use technology, collaborate with your neighbors, join and local initiative to sell local and authentic experiences,  build your villages, towns, cities country through partnerships, buy locals, support locals as much as you can, refer other small businesses and ask your customers to book direct, support small business owners, employees direct.